Have a World Public Speaking Champion as your own personal speech coach, speech writer, and more.

Have a  World Public Speaking Champion as your own personal speech coach, speech writer, and more.

 Enjoy the peace of mind of having a world champion public speaking coach with 20 years of experience providing you the tools and support to achieve (and surpass!) your wildest public speaking goals. 

Public Speaking Transforms Lives.


Why am I so passionate about public speaking?

Why am I so convinced that becoming a better communicator is the best investment you could possibly make in yourself?

Because of what it did for me.


I was born missing fingers, a heart valve, and much of a chance at a decent future.

I was raised in a single parent home on the wrong side of town, and managed six heart surgeries before my thirteenth birthday.

And then, one day, I discovered public speaking.

Suddenly, on stage, I found a place where it didn’t matter who I was, or where I came from.

All that mattered was who I could connect with, and the journey I could take them on.

I discovered, competition by competition, year by year, that audiences didn’t care what I looked like; they cared how I could make them feel.

Those lessons, and the public speaking skills that came with them, completely transformed the trajectory of my life.

So when I tell you that whatever challenges you’re experiencing in your communication, I am 100% committed to helping you overcome them…it’s because I’ve seen, first hand, just how much your public speaking success can mean for your future.

Whether it’s writing a speech, preparing you for a big event, or providing you with the tools I used and refined over my own public speaking experiences, just know that helping you to overcome your fears or get your dream results is truly one of the greatest rewards I could ask for.

Public speaking transformed me from awkward sickly kid with funny hands into a world champion.

I can’t wait to explore what it can do for you.

My Six Core Principles as a Speech Coach:


  1. 1)  Your opening 30 seconds needs to grab my attention and engage me emotionally.  Make me FEEL something, whether it’s suspense, laughter, anxiety, anger or curiosity.


    • 2)  A huge part of resonating with an audience is authenticity, and the key to authenticity is congruency.  Your body language, vocals and content should always be in alignment, if you want to avoid looking like you’re “performing” instead of “connecting.”


      • 3)  Storytelling is key.  A single well told story is more memorable and more persuasive than any fact, figure, or powerpoint slide.


        • 4)  A great speech isn’t just a great essay spoken out loud.  Some of the sentence structures and rhetorical techniques that are most effective in public speaking go against nearly every lesson your English teach has ever taught you.


          • 5)  Have a clear through-line.  Having a metaphor or a story that weaves throughout your presentation can be an incredibly powerful way to make it feel more focused and easy to follow.


            • 6)  Record yourself repeatedly when you practice.  It can feel awkward to watch yourself on camera for many of us, but it’s absolutely the fastest way to review, analyze and improve your performance.

            Are we a good fit?

            How much does a speech coach cost?

            1-on-1 Sessions start at $250 / Hr.  

            Speech writing starts at $1 / Word.

            Please inquire directly for pricing on group training, seminars, and workshops.

            Are you available for speaker training services worldwide?

            Yes! I am happy to facilitate your speaker training worldwide, whether remotely or in person.

            Can you write my presentation for me ?

            Yes!  I love writing speeches.  However, please note that there are exceptions, such as class presentations, speech competitions, etc. 

            What does a typical session look like ?

            One of the biggest advantages of 1-on-1 training and small group classes  is that no two sessions are alike!

            The main goal of personalized lessons is to ensure that every session is catered to your specific goals, strengths, and challenges.

            A session can focus on everything from how you deliver your speech (tone, pacing, voice modulation, body language, etc.), to exploring opportunities to improve the content and structure of your presentation, to how to better engage your audience emotionally…and so much more.

            Whatever your objectives, our time together will be laser-focused on generating you the results you need in the shortest time possible.

            What is your public speaking experience ?

            In addition to winning a world championship in impromptu public speaking, I have spent nearly two decades teaching public speaking and offering 1-on-1 speech coaching to students, business professionals, coaches, media personalities, and more. 

            Ready to Schedule Your Free Consultation?


            The sooner we get in touch, the sooner we can equip you with the confidence (and competence!) to open doors, create opportunities, and achieve dream outcomes as a public speaker.