Our goal is to get you from where you are, to where you want to be, in the shortest time possible.

You can already picture how public speaking could transform your life.

We’re here to make that picture a reality.

My Story (The Quick Version):


  • Started in Public Speaking: Age 12
  • Won My First International Competition: Age 14
  • Won the World Independent Public Speaking Championships (Impromptu Public Speaking): Age 18
  • Experience: 20+ years of speech writing and public speaking coaching; working on presentations delivered for the NFL, Microsoft, Sequoia, TED Talks, keynotes, AGMs, special events, etc.
  • Special Skills: Speech Competition Preparation, Non-Confrontational Communication, Multicultural Communication, Cutting Out Jargon and Corporate-Speak, Emotionally Engaging Audiences and Prospects, Using Concrete Language and Communicating with Clarity, Investment Pitches

    Once Upon a Time…


    1. I started school with a strong passion for sports. At 12, my dreams of athletic stardom got cut short with an emergency trip to the hospital and an open-heart surgery.So….football and karate were out; but I still had a competitive drive, in need of a positive outlet.

      Luckily, I discovered debate.

      At least if I couldn’t fight with my fists, I could fight with my words.



      The Stage is Set…


      Debate competitions led to speech competitions, and speech competitions were an opportunity for me to find my calling; I won my first international competition at 14, and a world championship in impromptu public speaking at 18.

      From there, the stage was set; going from offering up public speaking lessons to fellow students, to helping craft wedding speeches, to preparing other speakers for upcoming presentations.

      Eventually, more requests started to come in from business owners and working professionals. Some would be preparing for public speaking presentations for AGMs or major keynotes; others were looking to expand their career opportunities or marketing prospects by improving their speaking skills.

      A Journey in Gratitude…


      1. Slowly but surely, more “high profile” requests started to trickle in, along with clients looking for help with their business and investor pitches.Every step of the way, I felt incredibly grateful. Each and every day, I get to be a part of helping amazing people to share important messages with the world:To give presentations that make people stand up and take notice.
      1. To create unforgettable, emotionally impactful experiences.
      1. To inspire confidence and connection.

      1. To persuade audiences to take bold action.To finally feel seen and be heard.To go from fear and anxiety to beaming with pride at what they accomplished.

      Finding the Right Pitch…


      At the same time, having the privilege of being surrounded by so many brilliant entrepreneurs and startup professionals has helped me to sharpen my ears when assessing the pitches of new and prospective founders.

      That meant cutting through jargon to focus on clarity and concrete facts; buzzwords aside, what’s your real unique, defensible competitive advantages?

      What is the tangible, exceptional value you’re creating for your prospects?

      What undeniable forms of traction can you demonstrate?


      The Simple Truth…


      1. Most importantly, though, I learned how to take a complex idea and make it “accessible” to broad, mainstream audiences.That’s come in handy for more than just business pitches. From NGOs to business meetings, speakers who can’t make their messages engaging and easy to understand to non-specialists are starting from a huge disadvantage.Combine that with struggling to put the needs, values, perspectives, and emotions of your audience at the center of your presentation, and you’ve made your job even harder.

        My goal is to help simplify and streamline your message, and to make sure that it can connect in a powerful and emotional way with your audience.



          And Last, But Not Least, About the Book….


          Over the pandemic, I committed to writing an A-Z guide to public speaking. The goal was to produce a handbook that could be the only tool you’d ever need to establish a firm foundation as a public speaker. 

          The journey helped me to look deep inside, “reverse engineer” and catalog the techniques I had used throughout my public speaking career.

          That process not only led me to write a book I’m incredibly proud of, but has also made me a better coach. The systems, structures, and techniques that came out of that book have all been directly integrated into my lessons and coaching.

          That also means that if you’re the kind of person who appreciates a more systematic, step-by-step approach to learning, or if you’ve been frustrated at the lack of details and actionable advice from other public speaking clubs or organizations, I may be able to offer you something that could be a better fit.

          Next Steps…


          1. Firstly, I would like to thank you, for taking a few minutes out of your busy day to get to know a little more about my background and my philosophy.


          1. The journey to reach your full potential in public speaking will be a deeply personal one, so knowing a little more about the person who will be walking down that road with you is a crucial first step.If reading this has given you a sense that we could be a good fit, please don’t hesitate to schedule a call–I’d love to connect with you, hear your story, and explore how improving your public speaking could be a transformational force in your life.


            Ready to Schedule a FREE Consultation?

            The sooner we get in touch, the more time you’ll have to discover the stories that make your ideas, your message, or your brand connect with your audience like never before.