Who We Serve


Who We Serve – NGOs

Voices for Good: Transforming Communication to Drive Change

We provide specialized training to amplify your team’s ability to communicate with clarity, conviction, and persuasion.

Are members of your organization…

  • Failing to communicate clearly, speak with confidence, or “get to the point”?
  • Rambling or unfocused in meetings with key stakeholders?
  • Struggling to deliver engaging and impactful presentations – especially to those “outside the bubble”?

    If you answered YES, then we would love to help you overcome your communication challenges and unlock your team’s potential.

    The process begins with a discovery call, to better understand your organization’s unique challenges, strengths, and desired outcomes.

    From there, we will create a bespoke training seminar or workshop to address your most mission-critical priorities with laser-focused precision.

    Every session will be designed for maximum levels of engagement, fun, interaction, and transformative impact.

    All events can be customized for in-house or remote training.

     Frequently Requsted Topics Include:


        • Concrete Language: Too often, acronyms, industry terms, and complex jargon create a wall between a speaker and their audience. Just as dangerously, these are also used by speakers as a way to overwhelm or intimidate listeners, to prop up weak ideas and “half-baked” proposals. Both cases most often lead to audiences who tune out, disengage, or become highly skeptical.  Instead, we focus on how you can “cut through the noise” and “get to the chase.” We will work with attendees, through challenging but enjoyable exercises, to recognize the importance of concrete language, before equipping them with the tools to integrate it into their everyday pitches, presentations, and messaging.
          • Storytelling: There’s a good reason why we can still remember stories and fables we read as a child, yet struggle to remember manuals and PowerPoint presentations a week after our office meetings. As humans, we tend to think and remember in pictures. Unfortunately, too many in the NGO space have been taught to communicate in a way that ignores this basic principle. As we find and develop the right stories to “cut through the clutter,” we will actively equip your team with the skills and mindset to effortlessly make storytelling an invaluable tool in their long-term communication strategy.
          • Metaphors and Analogies: Especially when a speaker is trying to help an audience understand technical, detailed, or complicated ideas, creating effective metaphors and analogies can be an extremely efficient solution. By connecting new and potentially confusing ideas to stories and concepts that will be more familiar and engaging to your audience, a presenter can help to create a bridge of comprehension that – even when it doesn’t exactly cover every detail – creates the sort of “big picture” understanding necessary to for audiences to grasp your most important messages and key takeaways. We integrate lively games and activities to help attendees find the ideal metaphors and analogies to connect more effectively with key stakeholders.

      My Six Core Principles:


      1. 1)  Your opening 30 seconds needs to grab my attention and engage me emotionally.  Make me FEEL something, whether it’s suspense, laughter, anxiety, anger or curiosity.


        • 2)  A huge part of resonating with an audience is authenticity, and the key to authenticity is congruency.  Your body language, vocals and content should always be in alignment, if you want to avoid looking like you’re “performing” instead of “connecting.”


          • 3)  Storytelling is key.  A single well-told story is more memorable and more persuasive than any fact, figure, or PowerPoint slide.


            • 4)  A great speech isn’t just a great essay spoken out loud.  Some of the sentence structures and rhetorical techniques that are most effective in public speaking go against nearly every lesson your English teacher has ever taught you.


              • 5)  Have a clear through-line.  Having a metaphor or a story that weaves throughout your presentation can be an incredibly powerful way to make it feel more focused and easy to follow.


                • 6)  Record yourself repeatedly when you practice.  It can feel awkward to watch yourself on camera for many of us, but it’s absolutely the fastest way to review, analyze and improve your performance.

                Are we a good fit?

                Can you provide a cost estimate?

                Full-day (8 hour) company training starts at $5000, with half-day training starting at $3000.

                Are you available for training services worldwide?

                Yes! I am happy to support your team worldwide, whether remotely or in-person.

                Can you host multi-day workshops or seminars to facilitate the needs of different teams or divisions?

                Absolutely.  We’re committed to dedicating as much time as necessary to create an optimal outcome for your organization.  

                What topics / challenges do you cover?

                While each group training session is customized to the needs of the client, examples of main potential themes and topics can include: non-confrontational communication, effective storytelling, clarity in communication, emotional engagement, presenting for persuasion, public speaking 101, voice mastery, effective nonverbal communication for public speakers, and more.

                What is your experience ?

                In addition to winning a world championship in impromptu public speaking, and publishing a book on content, rhetoric, and delivery, I have also spent nearly two decades teaching public speaking and offering 1-on-1 coaching to students, business professionals, coaches, media personalities, and more. 

                Ready to Schedule a Free Consultation?

                What would it mean for your team’s productivity and morale if excellence in communication was not just a goal, but a given?

                The sooner we connect, the sooner we can begin the journey of transformation for your organization.