Get personalized feedback on your next presentation from a World Public Speaking Champion.

Get personalized feedback on your next persentation from a World Public Speaking Champion.

No more stress. No more “winging it.”

Just the peace of mind of having a world champion with 20 years of experience helping you review, rewrite and rehearse your upcoming presentation.

Are you…

  • Looking to practice your important speech before the big day, and get expert feedback and advice?
  • Struggling with how to rewrite your speech to be more engaging and impactful to your audience?
  • Concerned about the quality of your delivery – including your voice, your tone, your pacing,
    or your body language?

    If you answered YES, then you’ve come to the right place.

    More than ever before, being a strong speaker is becoming a rarer and rarer skill.

    That means that your next big speech offers a huge opportunity to stand out.

    It can mean more customers. More offers. More invitations for future engagements.

    But it’s not just about delivering the content, closing the deal, or communicating the message; it’s the conversations that your audience has days and weeks later, about the amazing presentation they saw.

    Ultimately, a single outstanding speech can literally be life-changing.

    We take that opportunity very, very seriously.  As a result, we’re committed to giving you the best possible chance to make the most of the moment.

    As a result, we work best with clients seeking transformational relationships – not transactional. 

    In other words, we’re not the best fit for those seeking for a “quick rewrite” the day before their keynote.

    Our approach is top-to-bottom; we offer feedback on your content, structure, flow, style, messaging, storytelling, vocal delivery, body language, and more. 

    We believe that your next big talk is too important to leave anything to chance.

    If you agree, we should talk.

    We’ll be focusing on:


        • The 3 C’s of Content: How to structure a presentation to be clear, concise, and compelling.
          • Delivery: How to use your voice, movement, body language and hand gestures deliberately and effectively.
            • Emotional Engagement: How to trigger powerful reactions in your audience that will make your presentation stand out from the pack.

        My Six Core Principles:


        1. 1)  Your opening 30 seconds needs to grab my attention and engage me emotionally.  Make me FEEL something, whether it’s suspense, laughter, anxiety, anger or curiosity.


          • 2)  A huge part of resonating with an audience is authenticity, and the key to authenticity is congruency.  Your body language, vocals and content should always be in alignment, if you want to avoid looking like you’re “performing” instead of “connecting.”


            • 3)  Storytelling is key.  A single well told story is more memorable and more persuasive than any fact, figure, or powerpoint slide.


              • 4)  A great speech isn’t just a great essay spoken out loud.  Some of the sentence structures and rhetorical techniques that are most effective in public speaking go against nearly every lesson your English teach has ever taught you.


                • 5)  Have a clear through-line.  Having a metaphor or a story that weaves throughout your presentation can be an incredibly powerful way to make it feel more focused and easy to follow.


                  • 6)  Record yourself repeatedly when you practice.  It can feel awkward to watch yourself on camera for many of us, but it’s absolutely the fastest way to review, analyze and improve your performance.

                  Are we a good fit?

                  I have a last-minute speech coming up, can you help?

                  Time-sensitive requests limit the amount of value we can create for you, which is why we

                  strongly encourage reaching out earlier in the process.

                  That said, we can still work with you to find “quick wins,” especially for your delivery and body

                  language, that can potentially offer up a significant boost to the quality of your presentation.

                  Are sessions taught remotely or in person?

                  Most sessions are typically conducted over Zoom, Facetime, or phone. In-person sessions can be arranged upon request.

                  Can you write my presentation for me ?

                  Yes!  I love writing speeches.  However, please note that there are exceptions, such as class presentations, speech competitions, etc. 

                  What does a typical session look like ?

                  One of the biggest advantages of 1-on-1 training is that no two sessions are alike!

                  The main goal of personalized lessons is to ensure that every session is catered to your specific goals, strengths, and challenges.

                  A session can focus on everything from how you deliver your speech (tone, pacing, voice modulation, body language, etc.), to exploring opportunities to improve the content and structure of your presentation, to how to better engage your audience emotionally…and so much more.

                  Whatever your objectives, our time together will be laser-focused on generating you the results you need in the shortest time possible.

                  What is your experience ?

                  In addition to winning a world championship in impromptu public speaking, I have spent nearly two decades teaching public speaking and offering 1-on-1 coaching to students, business professionals, coaches, media personalities, and more. 

                  Ready to Schedule Your FREE 30 minute session?


                  The sooner we get in touch, the more time you’ll have before your big day to integrate feedback, rehearse your delivery, and prepare to truly wow your audience.