Who We Serve

Startup Founders

Who We Serve Startup Founders

Pitch Perfect: Crafting Stories That Fund and Inspire

Our training equips startup founders with the skills to craft compelling narratives that attract investment, inspire teams, and turn innovative ideas into market-leading realities.

Are you…

    • Struggling to articulate your startup’s value proposition in a way that captivates investors and customers?
    • Challenged to convey your vision and passion in pitches, leaving audiences unconvinced?
    • Seeking to refine your storytelling to build your brand and connect with investors, staff, and prospects?

      If you answered YES, and you recognize these challenges as pivotal to your journey as a startup founder, we’re poised to elevate your public speaking prowess and amplify your influence in the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

      Our journey together kicks off with a discovery call, aimed at unraveling your unique communication hurdles, strengths, and the impactful outcomes you desire for your startup’s narrative.

      Leveraging these insights, we will craft a bespoke training program. Our approach centers on personalized coaching, meticulously designed to meet your specific needs and entrepreneurial ambitions with unmatched precision.

      Each session is meticulously structured to foster your growth, enhance your engagement, and equip you with the tools to apply your new skills in the contexts that matter most to your startup’s success — revolutionizing your ability to pitch, persuade, and inspire.

      Our flexible coaching model allows for fully remote training programs, fitting seamlessly into your busy schedule and accommodating the demands of your high-level role.

       Key Training Areas Tailored for Startup Founders:


          • Pitch Precision: In the startup world, your pitch is your lifeline. Over-reliance on technical jargon or complex explanations can disconnect you from your audience — be it investors, customers, or partners. Our focus is on streamlining your message for impact and clarity, teaching you to communicate your business model and value proposition in a way that’s engaging and easy to grasp. Through practical exercises, we refine your pitching technique, ensuring you can articulate your startup’s vision clearly and persuasively.
          • Foundational Storytelling: There’s a good reason why we can still remember stories and fables we read as a child, yet struggle to remember manuals and PowerPoint presentations a week after our office meetings. As humans, we tend to think and remember in pictures. Unfortunately, too many founders overlook this basic principle.  Great founders captivate their audience with more than just data; they tell stories that stick. We tap into storytelling’s potential to make your startup’s mission memorable. Our sessions guide you in uncovering and crafting compelling stories that underpin your startup’s purpose, enabling you to integrate these narratives seamlessly into your pitches and communications to leave a lasting impression.
          • Metaphors and Analogies: Conveying the essence of your startup, especially when tackling complex or innovative concepts, requires creativity. Metaphors and analogies are key to translating your vision into relatable and engaging terms. Our workshops are designed to spark your creative thinking, helping you devise vivid, impactful analogies that make your ideas instantly understandable and relatable to investors, customers, and your team. This strategy not only makes your communication clearer but also more dynamic, enhancing the overall engagement with your message.

      My Six Core Principles:


      1. 1)  Your opening 30 seconds needs to grab my attention and engage me emotionally.  Make me FEEL something, whether it’s suspense, laughter, anxiety, anger, or curiosity.


        • 2)  A huge part of resonating with an audience is authenticity, and the key to authenticity is congruency.  Your body language, vocals, and content should always be in alignment, if you want to avoid looking like you’re “performing” instead of “connecting.”


          • 3)  Storytelling is key.  A single well-told story is more memorable and more persuasive than any fact, figure, or PowerPoint slide.


            • 4)  A great speech isn’t just a great essay spoken out loud.  Some of the sentence structures and rhetorical techniques that are most effective in public speaking go against nearly every lesson your English teacher has ever taught you.


              • 5)  Have a clear through-line.  Having a metaphor or a story that weaves throughout your presentation can be an incredibly powerful way to make it feel more focused and easy to follow.


                • 6)  Record yourself repeatedly when you practice.  It can feel awkward to watch yourself on camera for many of us, but it’s absolutely the fastest way to review, analyze and improve your performance.

                Are we a good fit?

                Can you provide a cost estimate?

                Startup Founder 1-on-1 training starts at $250 / Hr.

                Are you available for training services worldwide?

                Yes! I am happy to facilitate your training worldwide, whether remotely or in person.

                Do you provide speech writing services?

                Absolutely.  We are happy to write and refine your speeches on a one-off or ongoing basis.

                What aspects of communication do you address?

                While each set of founder sessions is customized to the needs of the client, examples of main potential themes and topics can include: communicating vision and value propositions, non-confrontational communication, effective storytelling, clarity in communication, emotional engagement, presenting for persuasion, public speaking 101, voice mastery, effective nonverbal communication for public speakers, and more.

                What is your experience ?

                In addition to winning a world championship in impromptu public speaking, and publishing a book on content, rhetoric, and delivery, I have also spent nearly two decades teaching public speaking and offering 1-on-1 coaching to students, business professionals, coaches, media personalities, and more. 

                Ready to Schedule a Free Consultation?

                How would enhancing your communication reshape your startup’s narrative — from funding rounds, to how your team innovates and collaborates?

                The sooner we get in touch, the sooner we can transform your startup’s story, and prepare you to connect, captivate and close like never before.